Stop! For a little bit.


A few weeks ago, we discovered that a very close friend had passed away; he was not sick but was gone just like that. He was going to be 42 this month, on the 17th! We went to college together, graduated at about the same time, and he became like family to me and my brother. A few other students who and I were international students at college at that time were all pretty close because we all knew why we were here and being so far away from home; I would say we became family…

His death hit hard!

He worked hard, and I know he cared for himself and taught others to do that.

After graduating from college, we moved and lived in different states, and we would check on each other from time to time. If we could not visit, we would text. Now this. Working in pathology, I would say this should have been a case for an autopsy because I want to know why and what happened.

This has got me thinking about priorities or passions and life.

When we moved out of our home countries in search of a better life, I will tell you by God’s grace that God has been good to me and my family. When I take a moment to reflect, I see that sometimes my passions and priorities get all mixed up, and I get stressed. I go back to my foundation of praying to God for help and guidance and recenter to what is necessary.

My friend’s passing is causing me to re-evaluate the meaning of work, the meaning of rest, and taking care of myself.

   Work is good, and I will encourage everyone to work. (Genesis 2:15 (NIV): “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and care for it.

1.      Do not let the American Dream become the American Nightmare

2.      Work hard and remember our families are essential; they should not just get the leftovers from me after a grueling day at work.

3. When home, be present. This is not the time to catch up on social media

What does rest mean to me? I need to find that and work hard to keep it. I have heard people say sleep is overrated, and at one point, I believed it, but now I do not. If God rested on the 7th day after all He had done at creation, who do I think I am not to need rest? See Genesis 2:2-3

And finally, taking care of myself.

I believe my friend would tell me to do this. To stay healthy, to eat right, and most especially, to exercise. He would encourage me not to let the stress of life get the best of me!

He would have been 42 this month- it is still difficult to think he is no longer here…

 These tips are what I am doing now… Do you do anything differently?

How to Make Father's Day Special


Are you trying to decide what gift will be better than last year’s? Or is this the first Father’s Day for someone you love and cannot decide what to get? Here are a few no-nos:

  1. Gift Cards. These are the easiest and safest gifts, but most people get this when they do not know what to get. If you must, put a good chunk of change in it and gift it. If it is what Dad asked for, go for it!

  2. Neck Ties. Does anyone wear ties today? If someone wears a tie for work, I will say they have all the colors they like, and another tie on Father’s Day is ok, to add to the collection. If it does not have something special- kids’ names embroidered, handmade by the kids, etc. please do not get this.

  3. Golf clubs. Do they play golf? Do they need another golf club? Think about this! If it is not signed by Tiger Woods, Rory Mcllroy, Lydia Ko, or someone famous- no!

  4. Toolboxes. Is there something special in the toolbox that you are about to get that is not in the toolbox they already have? Look for a different item if you do not mind seeing what you spent good money on in the corner.

  5. Gadgets- these are cool, but are they practical? Most men want something practical, so cool is good but get a practical gift.

With a list like this, you might think, this makes it difficult to get a gift. I will say, you know this person, get them something they will like. In case you do not know what to get, here are some tips:

  1. Get an annual subscription to an event they love to participate in or something they love to watch. If they love sports, you can get an annual subscription to the sport they love to watch- these days, Paramount Plus, Peacock TV, and Amazon Prime can get you the sports shows they like.

  2. Get Experience gifts- I know a colleague who told me they were going to a special location with their dad, and he gets to spend time with his kids and grandkids in one location.

  3. Gifts to show that you know him- I saw a show on YouTube (@Deep pocket monster) where this guy customized a Pokemon card for a friend who loved Pokemon. I thought that was so awesome!

  4. Make something! My kids and I stumbled upon soapmaking and made a mustache soap for Dad! See it below

  5. Send money- if they live overseas, send them money to spend on themselves. In some countries, currency exchanges make some currencies more valuable, and a monetary gift goes a long way.

  6. If you must get a tie, try something different: go for a bow tie. Here is a link to one of my new favorite shopping sites to get bow ties.

And I will say, sometimes; it is the thought that counts. My dad passed away when I was a toddler, and I never got to celebrate him.

Enjoy your time with your dad, and hope this helps!



Mustache Soap


It is June 2023!

Hello and thank you for stopping by!

Please introduce yourself and tell me where you are reading from!

The school year has ended for the kids, and now the thing to do is to plan activities for the kids to do during this break from school and to reduce screen time. After a long day at work, it can be difficult but with good planning and organization, a lot of things can be done.

We are in the middle of the year and as I post my blogs, you will see the focus is on

  1. Managing time, and being a good steward of my finances

  2. Spending time with family- intentional time

  3. Continuing on my healthy eating journey and being accountable.

So welcome and I hope you can find something that helps you and makes life a little bit easier for you!




Shopping for a new tablet for kids was quite a chore. I had an old phone that was paid for but I had a few instances where the kiddo called 911 and it had me rethinking this idea.

I had got a tablet from Barnes and Noble called a Nook over t years ago. It was a Samsung brand and being a Samsung brand lover I started looking at Samsung Tablets.

Here are some things I was considering

  1. Shatter proof

  2. Paretal Control

  3. Camera... so we can FaceTime grandma and cousins

  4. Educational and game apps

  5. Kick Stand

  6. Safe for little eyes

  7. Wifi

  8. Handle- so they can carry it around

  9. Customer reviews that were good

  10. Colorful cases

  11. And of course; at an affordable price

To hear more check out my podcast episode here

Healthcare Opportunities Today!

Have you thought about why you should work in a hospital but did not know where to look? Or what opportunities were out there?

First let me tell you 3 reasons why you should:

  1. Great Healthcare insurance

  2. Tuition waiver possibly for you and family

  3. Making a difference in someone’s life.

So if I have convinced you and you’re wondering what is out there here are some specific areas to look at; surgical techs, medical technologists, chemists, histotechs, lab assistants, transporters, cafeteria, receiving , EVS personnel, human resources; pathology assistants, phlebotomists, radiology tech, cytotech, transcriptionists, parhologist assistants and IT to name a few.

There are so many opportunities and you might be one of the people who can fill that need. Check out the hospitals or healthcare organizations in your city for employee opportunities.

If you have questions and if this has helped you please email me at

I’d love to hear from you.

Have a great week!