Trying to do some work outside of home!

Who goes to Starbucks during the work hours of the day? I am just curious...

I need to do my homework, so I will get some coffee to help me stay awake.

I see rich aunties, fit aunties showing muscles, nicely dressed gentlemen-  with shorts, collared T-shirts, boat shoes, people with laptops, and young adults hanging out with friends. 

I am here because I am escaping from my toddler to do schoolwork, and I wonder, the ladies over there with laptops, are there entrepreneurs? Two ladies are sitting over coffee and chitchatting- they remind me about my mom and her sister. How I wish I could see that happen soon- God, please, soon!

I have my headphones on, but the din in the room is coming through the headphones- people are talking loudly, and I am just typing away.  I turn up the volume, and what a difference this makes. 

I see some moms walk in with their kids in tow, and it brings a smile because it reminds me of going to Starbucks on the weekend with the boys after soccer practice. They get their favorite pastry, and I get my favorite iced drink... An elderly couple has just walked in, and they grab their coffees and sit down. Would that be us when we retired? Would we go to Starbucks to have coffee- Wait, Starbucks, would you still be around?

How did Starbucks figure out this business idea? How did America (or any other Western Country) become a nation of people drinking coffee all day? How did people survive when Starbucks was not in existence?  I have to find a podcast that has this information.

It is time to return to this accounting homework, but honestly, I would rather be sipping on my iced coffee and watching YouTube in peace.  I will catch up on all the podcasts about Marvel and the next phase, DCEU, and Blue Beetle coming up. How come I haven't heard about that before? Watching soap videos and how to create the next soap that can combine the magic of African Black soap and the beautiful colors that cold process soaps... 

Oh well!

I'm just here trying to do my homework that is four weeks late... If I cannot finish this, I might as well kiss this class goodbye! I will have to retake this class.